Chosen to give life…
Hello, I am Valerie Charles Chike Nezianya. Since we will be interacting with each other on a regular basis, I thought I’d introduce myself. I am truly passionate about being an ambassador for My Lord and Master Jesus Christ and I take seriously His call upon my life to be a ready witness of His dependable character.
I daily desire to sit in His presence, to commune with Him so that I can hear Him direct the affairs of my life. Of course, there are always numerous distractions to contend with but the joy of His presence keeps me pressing on. My God is so gracious, so merciful and well acquainted with my weaknesses so that He has become my strength and hope in times of despair. For this reason, I, Valerie Charles Chike Nezianya, by the special grace of God, remain completely sold out to His perfect will and plan for my life.
I hope to stay connected with you via this platform to share the Words of Life God continues to lay on my heart.
Agape, Valerie

Called! But have you counted the cost and will you pay the price?
Woman of God! I celebrate and honor you. It is such a privilege to be a chosen vessel of the Living God. I do not take this lightly at all. I trust that your daily prayer is that you will understand the fullness and richness of this calling in God. I feel led to...
Fearless and Anointed for Greater Works!
Welcome to the new month of August, Daughter of Zion! I join my faith with yours to believe God for a greater glory and experience in Him. If you don't ask, you will not receive. So I encourage you to pause now and pray this prayer with me: "Dear Lord, I thank you for...
Called! But can you pay the price?
Woman of God, I celebrate and honor you. It is such a privilege to be a chosen vessel of the Living God. I do not take this lightly at all. I trust that your daily prayer is that you will understand the fullness and richness of this calling in God. To answer the call...
A Divine Calling
Welcome to the Chosen To Give Life (CTGL) Blog. I cannot tell you how much I have missed writing on this blog. God took me through a season of relocation in the last eight and half years in a new continent and it has truly been a new experience. But this is a divine...
A Surrendered Life
It is with great excitement in my heart that I write to you my beloved sisters. How I have missed you all! I pray that you have remained faithful to God in seeking Him earnestly unconditionally! God is calling us to a life of absolute surrender i.e a life of absolute...
2013- My Year of exceeding fruitfulness! (2)
So my beloved, Now you know why You have made it to 2013 - it is so that you may declare the faithfulness of God to all mankind and to live each day of your life to glorify Jesus! Keep your eyes on Jesus this year. Make conscious efforts to bless those around you and...
2013 – My Year of exceeding fruitfulness! (1)
Beloved in Christ, A wonderful and gracious new year to you and your loved ones. By the special grace of the living God, we made it into 2013. How merciful and kind The Lord God is to us!But I want you to know that there is a reason for this. The reason can be found...
How deep is your love?
Beloved in Christ, I trust my mail meets you well nourished in the Lord and ever yearning for more of God in your life! Quite recently, the Lord stirred my heart through these beautiful words in 1 Chronicles 29 as I studied about David and his love for the Lord. David...
As 2011 draws to a close
Beloved of God, I pray my mail meets you desiring something new,something inspirational! I can't but look back to see how gracious, faithful and merciful God has been to me and mine. I truly stand in awe of a great God, the one and only living and true God. It was at...