Yes , I know what you may be saying and I know the times have been extremely challenging, but God’s word never changes! Heaven and Earth may pass away but His word endures forever. So tell me, who’s report will you believe?
I am reminded about the plagues that came upon the Egyptians when they refused to let the Isrealites go. I remember also that the land of Goshen i.e. the city where the Isrealites lived, prospered and the people were unaffected by the plagues.
God specially provides for his own and has promised neither to leave them nor forsake them. If you will call upon His name and believe Him to provide, sustain and promote you even in this season of famine, It SHALL be done for you in accordance with your faith.
So rather than spend your time analysing the current events in an attempt to make sense of it all, it is a time to retreat into the presence of your God so that you may hear him speak expressly concerning your future. You will hear those reassuring words just as I have heard them over the last few days, ” Fear not my daughter…. for God is on your side”! What a priviledge!
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